Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A Deceptively Simple Story

This is a simple story, told in simple words, unadorned with pretentiousness and avarice. Instead, the story will be told from the point of view of a simple man, with simple needs and desires, those of the common man - love, love, love.

Once long ago, a young man started on a journey. Not knowing how long it would take, full of idealistic notions gathered through a thirst for knowledge, and endless explorations into literature, the young man started the journey unprepared. It's true, many others had embarked on similar journeys and had come back with worlds of wonder. But many others had simply failed to return, never seen or heard from again. The young man was well aware of this, but his faith was ironclad, unshakable even by the strongest wind. Or so he thought.

Should I tell you a story about relationships of the opposite sex? And if I do will you believe them and will you be able to think of the opposite sex in the same way again? I'm accusing no one here as we are both to blame for the path we chose to follow in life. But what I'm trying to convey to you, the unsuspecting reader, is that it's never too late to turn back from that path, to think again of where we're headed, take account of what we've seen so far and decide. Because, after all, it's all about decisions, choices, and the consequences that follow those choices.

Some time ago I thought I was in love. This young woman's inner beauty was hidden by a turmoil deep within her, a struggle for identity and assurance in life. And I must admit that I am the worst offender when it comes to falling for people like her. Was it an insatiable desire to feel needed, wanted, that drove me to her? Was it as shallow as that, or was it a much deeper desire to help someone in need and in the process help myself? I suppose I won't find out at the end of this story because this story will have no end. At least while I'm still breathing.

The sea and I are old friends. Older I think than I can remember. I was always captivated by the enormous secrets she's hiding in her depths, and quite often weary by them. So it was with this girl. You see, dear reader, the sea is deep and unexplored and we don't know the secrets that it holds. And so it was with this girl. Her soul was an ocean, her eyes a deep blue sea that dragged me in its depths unbeknownst to me. And willingly I let myself be dragged by the currents of her charm.

But let me describe her for you dear reader, so you can make your own decision. She obviously left an impression on me, but she may not have the same effect on your worldly eyes. She was tall and slender, tawny with the neck of a gazelle. Her long stride moved her with ease through the steppes of my soul. Her face was thin and narrow as if chiseled by the most skilled artist in finest marble, the type you see on Renaissance statues.

And yet, at times, she was as cold as those same statues I compared her to. I know she loved me sometimes, but she just couldn't surrender to what she felt deep inside was true. So we ended up breaking up. She's the one who actually initiated this as I had no intention of doing anything like that. I actually fell in love with her. I fell in love with who she was, her cute way of asking me to play, which broke my heart each and every time. I fell in love with the woman I knew she could become. And that's why I stayed with her as friends even after we split, no matter how hard, or how insane it was.

I remember one early morning we went running. She had just started dating someone who ended up being a complete loser. Anyway, let's not fling mud on anyone at this early stage. It was easy to see that something was bothering her while we were running. She stopped few times during the run and I could see that she was troubled. On our way back to the gym she apologized. "I'm having emotional problems", she told me. "You're having problems?" I asked incredulously. "What can I say?" Remember reader, this was only a month or so after we broke up. The wound was still open in my heart, still bleeding. So throwing salt on it every day the way I did, and still do, did not leave me feeling very kind towards her at times. Now I sit and wonder. Why was she having emotional problems so early in her new relationship? Was it because of me? Was she still in love deep inside her with me, knowing how comfortable she used to feel with me and how much at ease I made her be? I hope that is true, for my sake.


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